NEJM mRNA vaccines and miscarriages study

Recently there have been videos making the rounds with a screenshot of table 4 (below) from the NEJM article Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons. The data from that table suggests that there is a 76% to 100% miscarriage rate. 827 participants total, 700 had vaccination in third trimester, so 127 women who could have been getting the shot in the first or second trimester. 96 miscarriages in the first trimester. You do the math.

Three Groats

Once upon a time, a poor man was digging out the ditch by the castle road. And I don’t know how it came about, but the king himself was taking a walk alone along the road, and he asked the poor man:

“Tell me, my dear man, how much do you get paid for a day of such hard work?”

“Your Majesty, the king! Well, for a day, I get three groats.”

The king wondered at this, and asked him how he could live on just three groats.